Jupiter and Neptune Align in Pisces

The themes in the story “You Can’t Take It with You” are the themes of the Pisces New Moon. But wait, there’s more! While the Sun and Moon align in Pisces at the New Moon (3/2/22), we also have Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. With each passing day Jupiter is getting closer and closer to an exact

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You Can’t Take It With You…

You can’t take it with you… and that’s a good thing! A story for the Pisces New Moon and the Jupiter Neptune Conjunction in Pisces Click here to listen to audio version of this story. “I’m sorry but you can’t take those bags with you,” said The Guide. “But they’ve been with me forever. They’re

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All Things Mother

Cancer Full Moon 1/17/22 The Full Moon in Cancer illuminates your relationship to all things “Mother”… the mother(s) who raised you, your Inner Mother, and the Divine Mother. Let’s talk about your Inner Mother… She loves you unconditionally. She accepts you exactly as you are. She speaks to you with gentleness and compassion. She knows

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Building By Heart

Venus Retrograde in Capricorn (12/18/21-1/29/22) and December Solstice (12/21/21) My new home is nestled among robust yet graceful Pinon pines and watched over by the spirits of the high peaks that rise dramatically to the east. Just a few steps from my house is a historic log cabin of which I am now the steward.

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Anger, Fear, and the Power of Love

I’ve been feeling a lot of Mars energy for the past couple of days… Mars is a fiery energy that fuels courage and motivates us to take action. It can also get us fired up in ways that can create conflict (think Mars, the Roman “God of War”). Lord knows there’s enough friggin’ conflict in

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Liberate Your Lion Heart

Leo New Moon (Part Two): The Lion’s Shadow What does the story of the old lion (Leo New Moon, Part One) have to do with YOU and the Leo New Moon? The old lion, the patriarch who’s afraid of losing his power, might remind you of someone that you know personally or in public life,

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Halls of Mirrors

Leo New Moon (Part One) Listen on audio (about 5 minutes) or read the story below: Inside the lion’s lair, the old King of the Savanna had rooms full of mirrors. It was almost like a fun house with crazy mirrors that distorted everything… they made the frail look buff and the old look young.

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Heart of Fire, Heart of Water Cancer New Moon 2021 There’s a special magic that happens when we see the setting sun dive into the ocean. Fire and water mingle and sizzle. Did you know that your heart is also a place where fire and water come together? I’m not talking about your physical heart… I’m talking about

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Be Care-Full

Be Care-Full Summer Solstice 2021: Sun in Cancer What do you feel when you look at these pictures? Do you have an “Awww” feeling? Does your heart feel tender and open up a smidge wider? Do you want to reach out, pick them up and cudde them? The instinct to hold, nurture, care for, and protect children and young animals is the kind of care that

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Love’s New Foundation

Here we are at the Capricorn New Moon near the start of a new year, and we’re being offered a whole new way of working with Capricorn themes such as laying foundations, creating structures, making commitments, and taking responsibility. Capricorn is often associated with upholding traditions and maintaining the status quo. It tends to perpetuate

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