The Divine Feminine, which has been repressed and maligned for thousands of years under patriarchal domination, is now re-emerging. At this Gemini Full Moon, we can hear the voices of several goddess archetypes as they participate in a complex configuration called a Mystic Rectangle. The Goddess is raising her voice and we can hear Her message carried on the high tide of the Full Moon. Let’s consider what’s being expressed at each of the four points that mark out the corners of this Mystic Triangle, which are in the signs of Gemini, Sagittarius, Aries, and Libra.

(1) The Gemini Moon is curious and wants more and more information. In Gemini’s quest for understanding, it can sometimes be overly influenced by the ideas, beliefs, and opinions of others. When Gemini is functioning well, it helps you formulate your own ideas so you can find your own voice.


(2) Illuminating the full face of this Gemini Moon is the Sun in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is clear about its direction and purpose, and is not shy about sharing its perspective on things, especially when joined by wise old Saturn, who can sometimes be a bit opinionated and overbearing. Teaming up with the Sun and Saturn is an interesting trio of goddesses: Juno, Lilith, and Hygeia.

Hygeia helps us maintain a sense of well-being, and in Sagittarius, our well-being is connected to being about our mission in life, seeking the Truth, and speaking our truth.

Hygeia by Klimt.jpg

While the patriarchal view casts Juno as the “good wife” and Lilith as the “nasty woman” who is untamed, fiercely independent, and freely expressive of her sexuality, I see this pairing of Juno and Lilith in a different light. As Juno and Lilith walk arm in arm, we can partner cooperatively and harmoniously with others (Juno) who share our mission AND we can maintain our autonomy, stay wild at heart, and have exciting adventures in our quest for Truth (Lilith).


(3) Now let’s look at the third point of this Mystic Rectangle, which is in the sign of Aries, the Warrior. Here’s where things get really fired up and the Goddess turns up the volume. Uranus, Eris, and Ceres join forces to say “No more!”. Uranus says, “No more status quo.” Then, it throws down unexpected lightning bolts to break up the old patriarchal paradigm and catalyze revolutionary change.

Eris is considered a “dark goddess” like Kali, Black Tara, and Sekhmet. These goddesses can be fierce and wrathful. They don’t take any shit. According to the patriarchal myth, Eris is another “nasty woman”, the Goddess of  Discord. As the story goes, Eris was upset because she wasn’t invited to a party. Feeling snubbed and rejected, she did something that ignited chaos and discord among the party-goers.

Demeter Mourning Persephone

Now, with Eris in the sign of Aries, you can bet she’s pissed off. But here’s a new take on Eris: she’s pissed at the patriarchy for rejecting and trampling on the Divine Feminine. She says, “No more abuse! No more abuse of women. No more abuse of Mother Nature. No more abuse PERIOD.”

Ceres (aka Demeter) is also angry. Her daughter, Persephone, was abducted and raped by Pluto, God of the underworld. Ceres screams, “No more rape of our daughters, our sisters, our mothers! No more rape of the Earth!”  Working together in fiery, passionate, and powerful Aries, Uranus, Eris, and Ceres create a formidable trio of activists.


(4) The fourth point of this Mystic Rectangle brings in the calming influence of Jupiter in Libra. Libra encourages us to seek balance and work toward the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Libra the Peacemaker and Aries the Activist are brought into dialogue by their participation in this Mystic Rectangle, so things won’t get too volatile and chaotic. Libra looks for the win-win. As Bob Marley says, “You can’t have peace without justice.”

What can we learn from the integration of all four points of this Full Moon Mystic Rectangle? On the collective level, we are witnessing the reemergence of the Divine Feminine. As she reclaims Her voice, she speaks as the Wise Woman who guides us along pathways to Universal Truth. As she raises her voice in anger at the abuses being perpetrated by the patriarchy, she draws a firm line in the sand. If this line is crossed, She’s ready to wield a sword of protection to stop abuse and end injustice.

On the personal level, the message is to know your truth and speak your truth. Use the power of anger in healthy ways…not to harm others but to set limits on those who would do harm to you. Anger is activating and gives us the courage to say, “No more!” No, you can’t invade my boundaries. No, you can’t disrespect me. No, I won’t give my power away to you. Sometimes we need a spark of anger to motivate us to take action, not just on our own behalf, but to stop injustice in the world and to prevent others from being hurt. In what ways are you being called to action? Take care that your anger doesn’t burn you up or burn you out, so you can maintain balance within yourself.

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