Heart of Fire, Heart of Water

Cancer New Moon 2021

There’s a special magic that happens when we see the setting sun dive into the ocean. Fire and water mingle and sizzle. Did you know that your heart is also a place where fire and water come together? I’m not talking about your physical heart… I’m talking about the energy center that we call the heart… the place where love is centered within you. Your sacred heart of love has both fiery and watery ways of expressing itself.

The sign of Cancer relates to the watery ways of love while the sign of Leo relates to the fiery aspects. You could say that Cancer (water) is the yin dimension of the heart and Leo (fire) is the yang. At this Cancer New Moon both the yin and yang of the heart want to be expressed in balanced harmonious ways. That’s because the Sun and Moon (yang and yin) are both in tender, caring Cancer (yin) while Mars and Venus (yang and yin) are both in the radiant, joyful and creative sign of Leo (yang).

That might sound like a lot of yin-ing and yang-ing to integrate.Yet nature knows how to embrace and harmonize yin and yang and so does your heart!

Try this simple exercise:

1) Rub your hands together briskly until you feel heat in your hands. Then hold your hands with fingers pointing up and palms facing outward. Imagine that you can radiate love energy from your heart out through your hands and beam it to the world. The fiery energy of Leo-love is like sunbeams… lovebeams. It shines like the sun. This radiant love-light is full of joy, and as it shines it shares generously. It is passionate, courageous, creative and co-creative. Like fire, yang energy is active and activating.

2) Gently place your hands over your heart and breathe into your heart center for a few cycles of breath. Breathe fully and feel your heart space expand. Notice the sensations in your body where your hands are touching your heart. Imagine that your hands are protecting and taking care of your tender heart, making it safe to open and receive love. Watery Cancer-love feels deeply and cries easily. It knows how to be vulnerable and also has a genius for creating emotional safety. It knows what is truly nourishing and has an innate desire to take care. It soothes like a lullaby, hugs you, holds you, rocks you. Like water, yin energy is receptive and responsive.

I hope you will feel inspired to explore the yin and yang of love more deeply. Discover how your Heart of Fire and Heart of Water dance together.

May you release tears of grief as well as tears of joy.

May you be fired up by giving and receiving passionate,
playful, creative, and joyful Leo-love.

May you flow graciously while giving and receiving tender,
nurturing and nourishing Cancer-love.

Extra credit
Click on the music videos below and dance your heart open and free.

There’s a song to inspire flowing and swaying Cancer-type movements, and a fire-up-your-joy Leo song.

Have fun and let me know what your dance reveals to you about the yin and yang of love.

Music for Your Heart of Water: Common Threads by Bobby McFerrin
Music for Your Heart of Fire: Love is a Power, by Lokua Kanza

Cancer-Love and Caring for Yourself: 
Read the Summer Solstice article, which is about the Sun moving into Cancer. It asks the following questions: How are you at being care-full with yourself? Are you listening to your moment to moment needs… the needs of your body, mind, emotions, and soul?

This message of self-love through self-caring is always relevant, not just at Summer Solstice.