Dear Soul Friends,

I’ve got some exciting news to share!

As you may have guessed, I’m totally fascinated by the soul’s journey. Serving as a Soul Guide is a profound honor and an important facet of my purpose in this lifetime. The spiritual intimacy of walking beside souls and helping them navigate their human journey is a true gift. I love my work!

As an astrologer, of course I knew that a time of big breakthrough was approaching and I asked myself, “What kind of breakthrough do I want to see in my work as a Soul Guide?” I knew I wanted to take these soul explorations deeper than ever before, but wasn’t sure exactly how.

The answer dawned gradually, emerging as a new process called Soul Purpose Revelation.

This is the first time I’ve offered a process that is laser-focused on the question, “What is my Soul Purpose?” This breakthrough in my work might also be a breakthrough for you!

If you’re…

Curious about your Soul Purpose and want to know yourself more deeply…

Confused and frustrated because you sense you have a purpose but don’t know what it is…

Feeling stuck…

Afraid to follow your heart…

Tired of the status quo but not sure what’s next, what’s possible, or what you’re here to contribute for the good of the whole…

Soul Purpose Revelation can help you break through the fog of forgetting why you’re here, clear away the clouds of confusion, free you from the bog of stuckness, and dissolve the fear of following your heart.  

I have a guess that you’re just as fascinated by the soul as I am, especially your own soul. I also imagine that you’re dedicated to your personal and spiritual growth and want to live in alignment with your soul’s intentions. If you want a deeper understanding of your Soul Purpose and want to feel a sense of certainty that you can indeed fulfill your mission, I welcome you to join me in the process of Soul Purpose Revelation.

May you experience the breakthrough your heart and soul desire.

With love and gratitude,