coming out 6

Here’s my secret: For the past 29 years, I’ve had a profound relationship with Jesus. I call him Yeshua. You can listen to the story of how I met him, here. Yeshua is my teacher, my healer, my elder spiritual brother, and my friend. He’s shown me a path to awakening that speaks to my heart and soul and blows my mind, every day. I am deeply grateful for what he has given me and shown me, on the path of Christ Consciousness (aka Unity Consciousness). My love is not only for Yeshua, but for those joined with him in the Christ Council, including Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, and others of the Christ/Magdalene lineage. This is my lineage.

I wrestled with the decision to “come out” for about six months. I worried about how people would react…how you would react. I was afraid you’d judge me as a crazy fanatic, or that you’d think I was a born-again Christian, or that you’d be afraid I would try to evangelize you. Rest assured, I am not a fundamentalist nor an evangelical, and I’m not even a Christian. I don’t adhere to any religion and I don’t follow the bible. I’m a mystic, which means I have a personal, direct relationship with the Divine. The Yeshua that I know and love is the one who speaks through His contemporary teachings, including A Course in MiraclesA Course of Love, and The Way of Mastery.

As I was deciding whether or not to “come out”, I kept asking myself, “Why does it matter? Why is it important to come out publicly about my love of Yeshua?”

I uncovered three answers to that question:

  • When I acknowledge and affirm my relationship with Him, my heart opens to a greater breadth and depth. It expands my ability to love.
  • I need to stop holding back. When I hold back, I dim my light. Holding back is a strain, and it makes me feel like I’m squished inside a little box.
  • I want to stop holding out on you. I have such powerful wisdom to share, but it’s radical, and not everyone is ready for it. But if you want to wake up to your True Self and wake down, to fully embody your Divine Human Self, I invite you to join me in the Awakening Sanctuary.

I needed to “come out” in order to free myself…to free my authentic voice and speak from my inner knowing. Thank you for being my witness. My hope is that by freeing myself in front of you, it will also free something within you.

I hope you will unleash your authentic voice and speak from your inner knowing. What’s your secret passion? What truth have you been holding back? You are a unique expression of the Divine. No one else can be you. You are essential to the whole. Bring it!

Is there something you want to “come out” about, but you’re not ready to go public? Share it with me in an email. I will be honored to be your witness.

One response to “Coming Out of the Closet: Can I get a witness?
  1. It does free me. I can relate to all of this. Thank you for sharing this. Your vulnerability is power and strength.

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