Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream…merrily, merrily…Whoops!
The currents are pretty strong, these days, and your boat may be getting rocked…or maybe it’s time for you to rock the boat. A lunar eclipse, with Moon in Libra and Sun in Aries, unfolds in the wee hours of the morning on April 15. A few days later, there’s a cardinal Grand Cross (Uranus in Aries opposite Mars in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn opposite Jupiter in Cancer). This is not the time to hold on to the status quo, especially if these Grand Cross planets are connecting with significant points in your chart.* These powerful energies present an opportunity to take action, and create a whole new level of harmony. Let’s explore what rocking the boat can do for you:
Rocking the Self
- Have you been playing small? You may feel stirred up, because you need to claim your power, take a bold action, or step into a leadership role.
- Is there something about yourself you just can’t run away from anymore? Be courageous in facing your shadow.
- Your True Self is way more than your personality. Inquire into your deepest nature. Explore the question, “What am I?”
Rocking Your Relationships
- Speak your truth about what you need. If that brings up conflict, be willing to communicate and find a “win-win” resolution.
- Have you been letting someone take advantage of you, disrespect you, or bully you? It’s time to say, “No more!”
- Is the form of your relationship no longer serving your mutual growth? It’s possible to change the form and keep the love.
Rocking the World
- Sustainable peace can only be built on a foundation of fairness and equal sharing of power. Stand up for what is just.
- If the world is rocking around you, whether it’s earth changes or political upheaval, you can still keep your inner peace.
In each of these scenarios, there are actions you can take, or changes you can make, that can lead to greater harmony. When we make changes that bring us more in line with ourselves, we create more harmony within. When we stand up for ourselves, even if it brings up conflict, it ultimately makes our relationships more balanced. And when we work for justice, and respond to chaos from a place of inner peace, we create more harmony in the world. So go ahead, rock the boat, baby!
*At the time of the eclipse, the Moon will be at 25 degrees Libra and the Sun at 25 degrees Aries. The Grand Cross involves planets at 13 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn). If you have placements in your natal chart between 8 and 30 degrees, in any of the cardinal signs, you are significantly influenced by the current astrology. You may find it helpful to have an astrology consultation to clarify what actions you can take that will create more harmony in your life.
Sending you love and light dear sister. you have been with me a lot lately. many thanks for your wisdom sharing. you may know by now our sister Barbara is coming to Denver in June. Considering but still very up in the decision air to come and visit our dear sister…YOU. too soon to see and see how this feels to you as well. don’t know if calls are still happening on every other Tuesday. what has unfolded in my schedule is that i have Shmaya gatherings on these days now.
so warm supportive hugs to you as life continues to show itself for you.
Wowie! This eclipse cycle will be conjunct my natal venus (which is at 29 Libra), and I’ve been feeling some major shifts in the areas of love, friendships and beauty ever since the nodes changed signs. Hopefully this bodes well for the changes I’ve been making. I guess I’ll have to take a closer look at the other areas of my chart being impacted. Thanks for the great pointers on how to get the most out of this super-charged transit!