When you think of Virgo and the word “virgin”, don’t think about sex. Think “virgin olive oil” or “virgin forest”. These virgins are in their natural state of wholeness. They are “100% pure”, which means that nothing was added, and nothing was removed. In astrology, the archetype of Virgo is about helping us get back to our essential wholeness.
At the Virgo Full Moon, we get to experience the energies of both Virgo and it’s opposite sign, Pisces. Virgo, an earth sign, is concerned with wholeness at the physical level. It clearly sees the boundaries that separate one thing from another, and is quite skilled at figuring out “What’s wrong with this picture?”. That type of discerning vision sees what might has been added that doesn’t belong, and what has been taken away, that should be there. Virgo sorts, clears the clutter, cleans things up, and gets us organized.
Pisces, being the polar opposite of Virgo, does not see any boundaries between things. In fact, it doesn’t see “things”. Pisces is aware of Oneness. It sees that all appearances arise and pass away within the vast cosmic ocean of our one shared Being. There is no separate self. Nothing is wrong with any picture. Everything and everyone is perfect just as it is. It couldn’t be any other way. Pisces’ vision shows us our wholeness and perfection at the spiritual level. We see ourselves as 100% pure spirit.
While Virgo strives to fix and improve things, Pisces accepts everything just as it is and embraces all with unconditional love. How can we bring the two sides of this polarity together and make sense of this paradox?
One way to understand this paradox is to consider that we are Divine Humans: our being is both spiritual and physical. We are complete and perfect, spiritually, AND, on the physical level, there are always some things to clean up or improve upon. After enlightenment, we still need to do the dishes and take out the trash. Pisces helps us to know who we really are, in our spiritual essence. Virgo keeps our bodies and our physical environment healthy, wholesome, and in order.
Sometimes, Virgo’s desire for wholeness gets distorted into perfectionism, and we can become critical of every little flaw. Pisces offers a balance by helping us remember the true perfection of our spiritual nature. We can let go of trying to control and fix everything. We can accept ‘what is’, even if the personality self can’t see how it could possibly be ok. With an attitude of compassion toward ourselves, we can use the discernment of Virgo to clear out false beliefs that make us think that something is wrong. The Work of Byron Katie is a great tool for cleaning up our untrue thoughts so we can love ‘what is’.
On this Virgo Full Moon, may you realize there’s nothing wrong with you.
May you clear the clutter with an attitude of compassion and truly letting go.
May your accept your virginity…your purity…your wholeness.
And may you forgive any typos in this post!
Thank you, Sajit!
I love this clear, gentle Virgo/Pisces report from blessed you.
Much love,
So beautiful, Sagit. Thank you for this insight!
Good Pisces/Virgo thoughts. But the Virgo moon in March is a head scratcher. Guess I need an astrology consultation, definitely. Maybe we will once again meet up along the mountain trails. Namaste!