“You are a unique expression of the self-same love that exists in all creation.”
A Course of Love

Remember when you were a kid and marveled at the beauty of snowflakes? Someone probably told you that every snowflake is unique. That’s true. And you are just like a snowflake…totally unique. While each snowflake is a unique crystalized form, all snowflakes are made of the same substance…water. When the snow melts and returns to liquid water, we see that, ultimately, there is no separation between one flake and the next.
You are a unique crystalized form of Love. The Love that is God is like water: continuously flowing as one, undivided substance. The Light that is God is like the Sun…a magnificent, radiant light source that shines on and through each of our crystalized forms. God is One Source with many expressions.
I used to think that spiritual awakening, or becoming enlightened, was about realizing “No Self” and seeing that we’re all just a big blob of Oneness. But that’s only part of the picture. “Awakening” goes in two directions: waking up and waking down.

When we wake up from the dream of separation, we “get” that our True Nature is something we all share. Imagine being a snowflake that melts into a stream of water and remembers it’s origin. Our True Nature, that which makes us One, is the Love and Light of God.
Once you wake up to Love and remember that you are seamlessly joined with All That Is, then the “waking down” process begins. As you “wake down”, you return to your Unique Self…your unique crystalized form. And now you have a whole new awareness of who and what you really are. You become a more spacious self that lets the Light and Love of God shine through without obstruction.
As you “wake down” you gradually emerge as the Divine Human you were meant to be…totally unique AND totally joined, in Union with God and all of Creation.