Super-Charged Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox and Aries New Moon The Sun enters the sign of Aries on 03/20/2023 to be quickly followed by the Aries New Moon (03/21/2023). Every year the Sun enters Aries at the Spring Equinox but what makes this Equinox super-charged is the joining of the Equinox with New Moon AND a big line up

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Healing Aries Wounds

Three Meetings with Chiron Meeting One The boy bolted out the door grasping his spear tightly. “Where are you going?” yelled his mother, just as the screen door slammed shut behind him. He was a wild child… always getting into fights… always the dare devil… doing whatever he wanted.  She worried about him. He raced across

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Double-Edged Sword

Libra New Moon 2021 How are you using your sword? Are you using it to do harm or using it to empower your voice and activate your courage? Are you lashing out in anger or standing strong and centered in your truth? Maybe you tossed your sword away a long time ago for fear of having it turned

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Disrupting Patriarchy: Getting back to balance

The Libra New Moon is typically a sweet time for connecting with others in ways that are loving, peaceful and harmonious. But this is not a typical Libra New Moon, and the revolutionary times we live in call for some serious shaking up of the status quo. While the Sun, Moon, and Venus in Libra

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The Goddess Raises Her Voice

The Divine Feminine, which has been repressed and maligned for thousands of years under patriarchal domination, is now re-emerging. At this Gemini Full Moon, we can hear the voices of several goddess archetypes as they participate in a complex configuration called a Mystic Rectangle. The Goddess is raising her voice and we can hear Her

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Are You Selfish Enough?

 Let’s re-frame the word “selfish” When I was about 20 years old, I read a book titled, “When I Say “No”, I Feel Guilty”. That book was an eye-opener for me.  As a shy college student, I wanted to be liked, I wanted to think of myself as a nice person, and I was afraid

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Lunar Eclipse & Grand Cross: Rocking the Boat

Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream…merrily, merrily…Whoops! The currents are pretty strong, these days, and your boat may be getting rocked…or maybe it’s time for you to rock the boat. A lunar eclipse, with Moon in Libra and Sun in Aries, unfolds in the wee hours of the morning on April 15. 

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Playing with Fire

With so many planets in Aries this month, the Fire element is in the house! How can we play with Fire, in our relationships, and not get burned? Fire can show up in lots of different ways: the spark of passion that fuels sexual excitement; a twinkle in the eye that incites play and laughter;

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