Double-Edged Sword

Libra New Moon 2021 How are you using your sword? Are you using it to do harm or using it to empower your voice and activate your courage? Are you lashing out in anger or standing strong and centered in your truth? Maybe you tossed your sword away a long time ago for fear of having it turned

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Eris, the Goddess of Discord and Chaos, Unleashed

I could tell you all about the astrology of Eris square Pluto but everything you need to know is right in front of your eyes. Eris is making her presence known through every angry protestor shattering windows, smashing police cars, and setting cities ablaze. I’ve heard mayors and governors say that the protests have gone

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Disrupting Patriarchy: Getting back to balance

The Libra New Moon is typically a sweet time for connecting with others in ways that are loving, peaceful and harmonious. But this is not a typical Libra New Moon, and the revolutionary times we live in call for some serious shaking up of the status quo. While the Sun, Moon, and Venus in Libra

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The Goddess Raises Her Voice

The Divine Feminine, which has been repressed and maligned for thousands of years under patriarchal domination, is now re-emerging. At this Gemini Full Moon, we can hear the voices of several goddess archetypes as they participate in a complex configuration called a Mystic Rectangle. The Goddess is raising her voice and we can hear Her

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