How I Lost God and Found My Way (Part 4)
Listen to the story of how I met Jesus (Yeshua) in a vision, in 1987, which eventually led me back to God…with a whole new understanding of God.
Listen to the story of how I met Jesus (Yeshua) in a vision, in 1987, which eventually led me back to God…with a whole new understanding of God.
Your Inner Critic is beating you up by saying all kinds of mean things about you. Your Inner Judge accuses you of wrong-doing. The gavel comes down. Boom! Guilty as charged! The Self-Hater is making you feel like sh-t. Quick! Take a large dose of Self-Compassion. No negative side effects. Repeat as often as needed.
Consider these scenarios: When a student said “No” to the sexual advances of her teacher, the teacher responded, “You need to learn about spiritual surrender.” After a young woman told her ex-husband that she didn’t want him to come by the house, he yelled, “You’re just reacting out of fear, and fear is an illusion.”
In each and every moment, you cannot be a victim of what you see, and nothing is outside of you. What you experience, you have directly and deliberately called to yourself. If you hold the thought, “I do not like what I have called to myself,” that is perfectly fine…Merely look with the wonder of
It is definitely a trick, and not a treat, when your Inner Critic shows up at your door, disguised as your most Angelic Spiritual Self. She seems quite believable, while she rattles off an endless list of everything you’re not doing right. She’s acutely aware of what you should be doing to elevate your consciousness. But you’re not.