The Birth of Soul Purpose Revelation

Dear Soul Friends, I’ve got some exciting news to share! As you may have guessed, I’m totally fascinated by the soul’s journey. Serving as a Soul Guide is a profound honor and an important facet of my purpose in this lifetime. The spiritual intimacy of walking beside souls and helping them navigate their human journey is a true

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What does Soul Purpose really mean?

Soul Purpose… It may not be what you think… Let’s clear up some common misunderstandings about your Soul Purpose. In our patriarchal culture there’s a high value placed on “doing”… being productive, taking action in the world, being a leader, achieving status and success, and always striving for more… to be more, do more, and

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The Call of My Soul: Go to Nepal

In the spring of 2013, my soul called me to make a big life change. It began with subtle promptings and intuitions, which I followed like invisible threads that drew me irresistibly onto a radically new path (read more). I moved across the country to take root in the Land of Enchantment. Here, my work

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