How Can I bring More Love to This?

I was twisted into some pretzel of a pose when my yoga teacher, Genevieve Oswald at Shree Yoga Taos, gently dropped this profound question into my mind: “How can I bring more love to this?” That question has continued to ring through me, gently and quietly, in moments both on and off the yoga mat. Whether I’m

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5 Warning Signs that You Need Self-Compassion

Your Inner Critic is beating you up by saying all kinds of mean things about you. Your Inner Judge accuses you of wrong-doing. The gavel comes down. Boom! Guilty as charged! The Self-Hater is making you feel like sh-t. Quick!  Take a large dose of Self-Compassion. No negative side effects. Repeat as often as needed.

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Big Compassion: The World’s Biggest Hug  

My heart feels tender as I turn a loving gaze upon some uncomfortable feelings. Anxiety. Guilt. Failure. Frustration. Oh, and did I mention anxiety? I’ve come a long way from the days when I suffered from serious depression and intense self-hatred. I’m on a pretty even keel, most days. But lately, I’m acutely aware that

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Looking in the Mirror

In each and every moment, you cannot be a victim of what you see, and nothing is outside of you. What you experience, you have directly and deliberately called to yourself. If you hold the thought, “I do not like what I have called to myself,” that is perfectly fine…Merely look with the wonder of

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Would you rather be right or happy?

When under the influence of the Sagittarius Moon, you may fall into the trap of wanting to be “right” about everything.  If you’re politically minded, you may try to convince everyone that your political opinion is the right one. You could find yourself standing on a soap box, yakking away, with no one listening.  If

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Gemini New Moon: Do you have a dirty mind?

No, I’m not talking about sex. Sex isn’t dirty.  I’m talking about those thoughts in your head that mess you up.  Those thoughts that blind you to your beauty and innocence.  Those thoughts that stress you out.  Today’s Gemini New Moon can help clean up and clear out your dirty thoughts. Let’s move into the new lunar cycle with

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Virgo Full Moon: Are You 100% Pure?

When you think of Virgo and the word “virgin”, don’t think about sex.  Think “virgin olive oil” or “virgin forest”.  These virgins are in their natural state of wholeness. They are “100% pure”, which means that nothing was added, and nothing was removed.  In astrology, the archetype of Virgo is about helping us get back

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