Halls of Mirrors

Leo New Moon (Part One) Listen on audio (about 5 minutes) or read the story below: Inside the lion’s lair, the old King of the Savanna had rooms full of mirrors. It was almost like a fun house with crazy mirrors that distorted everything… they made the frail look buff and the old look young.

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Disrupting Patriarchy: Getting back to balance

The Libra New Moon is typically a sweet time for connecting with others in ways that are loving, peaceful and harmonious. But this is not a typical Libra New Moon, and the revolutionary times we live in call for some serious shaking up of the status quo. While the Sun, Moon, and Venus in Libra

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The Goddess Raises Her Voice

The Divine Feminine, which has been repressed and maligned for thousands of years under patriarchal domination, is now re-emerging. At this Gemini Full Moon, we can hear the voices of several goddess archetypes as they participate in a complex configuration called a Mystic Rectangle. The Goddess is raising her voice and we can hear Her

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