The Goddess Raises Her Voice

The Divine Feminine, which has been repressed and maligned for thousands of years under patriarchal domination, is now re-emerging. At this Gemini Full Moon, we can hear the voices of several goddess archetypes as they participate in a complex configuration called a Mystic Rectangle. The Goddess is raising her voice and we can hear Her

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Soul Contracts and Forgiveness

This article is Part 2 in a series prompted by my second Saturn return and reflections on a painful turning point in my life. In Part 1: Defining Moments, or “How I Lost God and Found My Way” I tell the story of leaving behind the religion of my family lineage to set forth on a solo

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Who is the Authority on You?

Consider these scenarios: When a student said “No” to the sexual advances of her teacher, the teacher responded, “You need to learn about spiritual surrender.” After a young woman told her ex-husband that she didn’t want him to come by the house, he yelled, “You’re just reacting out of fear, and fear is an illusion.”

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