Tending to the Dawn, Part 4

EMBODIMENT Your authentic self includes your body. While who you truly are is more than your body, your body is essential to your human experience, and being grounded in your body is essential to the Aquarian liberation process. Aquarius is an Air Sign, which means it is working in the mental realms, stimulating innovative ideas,

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Tending to the Dawn, Part 2

AUTHENTICITY Aquarius wants to express itself with authenticity and doesn’t give a damn what anyone else thinks. It doesn’t need anyone’s approval or applause. Aquarius just lets her freak flag fly! But it may not be that easy to let your authentic self out of the closet. You might not be in touch with your

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Tending to the Dawn, Part 1

The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius and the Aquarius New Moon The dawn’s early light comes very gradually, almost imperceptibly, and so it is with the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. We are slowly awakening from the dark deep slumber of the old paradigm. This awakening process calls for care-full tending to our

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Super-Charged Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox and Aries New Moon The Sun enters the sign of Aries on 03/20/2023 to be quickly followed by the Aries New Moon (03/21/2023). Every year the Sun enters Aries at the Spring Equinox but what makes this Equinox super-charged is the joining of the Equinox with New Moon AND a big line up

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Beyond Rebirth

Spring Equinox, Aries New Moon and Pluto in Aquarius Each year when the Sun enters Aries at the Spring Equinox it’s a time of rebirth and renewal. Aries inspires the buds on the trees to explode into leaves and blossoms, and the seeds in the ground burst out of their shells and emerge as young

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Death and Transformation

Scorpio Solar Eclipse Tomatoes that got hit by frost hang like heavy water balloons about to burst. Pepper plants that so generously gave us their spicy chiles all summer long are now shriveled and barren. Corn stalks still stand tall and strong but their once flowing leaves have turned brown and brittle and they rattle loudly

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What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Capricorn New Moon Capricorn New Moon January 2nd. Venus retrograde in Capricorn until the end of January. Pluto is still doin’ it’s thing in Capricorn… doing the deep hard work of dismantling the old paradigm and preparing us for a profound rebirth/reconstruction. Whether you’re a Capricorn or not, these energies are affecting you because this

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The Birth of Soul Purpose Revelation

Dear Soul Friends, I’ve got some exciting news to share! As you may have guessed, I’m totally fascinated by the soul’s journey. Serving as a Soul Guide is a profound honor and an important facet of my purpose in this lifetime. The spiritual intimacy of walking beside souls and helping them navigate their human journey is a true

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What does Soul Purpose really mean?

Soul Purpose… It may not be what you think… Let’s clear up some common misunderstandings about your Soul Purpose. In our patriarchal culture there’s a high value placed on “doing”… being productive, taking action in the world, being a leader, achieving status and success, and always striving for more… to be more, do more, and

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Liberate Your Lion Heart

Leo New Moon (Part Two): The Lion’s Shadow What does the story of the old lion (Leo New Moon, Part One) have to do with YOU and the Leo New Moon? The old lion, the patriarch who’s afraid of losing his power, might remind you of someone that you know personally or in public life,

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