Where ya goin?

SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON 11/23/22 It was a beautiful fall day and I was looking forward to hiking a new trail and taking photographs of a waterfall I’d never seen before. After entering the location of the trailhead in my GPS, I popped a CD into the car stereo and began my Blue Ridge Mountain adventure.

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You Can’t Take It With You…

You can’t take it with you… and that’s a good thing! A story for the Pisces New Moon and the Jupiter Neptune Conjunction in Pisces Click here to listen to audio version of this story. “I’m sorry but you can’t take those bags with you,” said The Guide. “But they’ve been with me forever. They’re

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Enough Is Enough

Scorpio New Moon and Taurus Lunar Eclipse Take a breath.Take another breath and release it with a sound… a sigh, an “ahhhh”, a groan, or a loud yell.As you sit, invite your shoulders to relax or get up and shake your hands vigorously.Then rest a hand over your heart-center.Breathe slowly into your heart for three

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The Birth of Soul Purpose Revelation

Dear Soul Friends, I’ve got some exciting news to share! As you may have guessed, I’m totally fascinated by the soul’s journey. Serving as a Soul Guide is a profound honor and an important facet of my purpose in this lifetime. The spiritual intimacy of walking beside souls and helping them navigate their human journey is a true

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What does Soul Purpose really mean?

Soul Purpose… It may not be what you think… Let’s clear up some common misunderstandings about your Soul Purpose. In our patriarchal culture there’s a high value placed on “doing”… being productive, taking action in the world, being a leader, achieving status and success, and always striving for more… to be more, do more, and

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How I Lost God and Found My Way (Part 4)

Listen to the story of how I met Jesus (Yeshua) in a vision, in 1987, which eventually led me back to God…with a whole new understanding of God.

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Coming Out of the Closet: Can I get a witness?

Here’s my secret: For the past 29 years, I’ve had a profound relationship with Jesus. I call him Yeshua. You can listen to the story of how I met him, here. Yeshua is my teacher, my healer, my elder spiritual brother, and my friend. He’s shown me a path to awakening that speaks to my heart

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Soul Contracts and Forgiveness

This article is Part 2 in a series prompted by my second Saturn return and reflections on a painful turning point in my life. In Part 1: Defining Moments, or “How I Lost God and Found My Way” I tell the story of leaving behind the religion of my family lineage to set forth on a solo

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Looking in the Mirror

In each and every moment, you cannot be a victim of what you see, and nothing is outside of you. What you experience, you have directly and deliberately called to yourself. If you hold the thought, “I do not like what I have called to myself,” that is perfectly fine…Merely look with the wonder of

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Beware the Inner Critic in Disguise

It is definitely a trick, and not a treat, when your Inner Critic shows up at your door, disguised as your most Angelic Spiritual Self.  She seems quite believable, while she rattles off an endless list of everything you’re not doing right. She’s acutely aware of what you should be doing to elevate your consciousness.  But you’re not.

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