Soul Contracts and Forgiveness

This article is Part 2 in a series prompted by my second Saturn return and reflections on a painful turning point in my life. In Part 1: Defining Moments, or “How I Lost God and Found My Way” I tell the story of leaving behind the religion of my family lineage to set forth on a solo

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Would you rather be right or happy?

When under the influence of the Sagittarius Moon, you may fall into the trap of wanting to be “right” about everything.  If you’re politically minded, you may try to convince everyone that your political opinion is the right one. You could find yourself standing on a soap box, yakking away, with no one listening.  If

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Seeking and Finding

The ego’s prime dictate is, “Seek, but do not find.”  What a perfect recipe for eternal frustration!  While the ego, or  “false self”,  looks through false eyes, it cannot see what’s right in front of it’s face and behind it’s own eyes.  What the ego is after is always right around the corner.  It leads

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